Friday, March 11, 2005

When the other shoe drops... over and over.

Today's "wake up call" in my apartment came by way of my upstairs neighbor. I've met her, she's very nice, and Canadian, eh. Not that being Canadian automatically makes her nice, but I was a little disappointed she didn't have a weird flapping head and wore shirts that displayed her first initial on them.

So this morning, I'm lying in bed when I hear the clomping of shoes on a hardwood floor coming from my ceiling. Normally, that's not a problem, but today, she kept clomping - over and over. What was she doing? I could hear her move from one side of the room to the other. My best guess was - she was trying to figure out what shoes to wear with whatever outfit she had on.

I could be completely wrong, but that was the only way I could justify the sounds of "heel-toe, heel-toe, heel-toe" knocking around above me. I totally pictured a Family Circus style dotted-line map of her trail around her apartment. What was she getting ready for? Was there an important meeting at work? Did she have a hot lunch date? Was she naked while putting on this shoe fashion show? I don't know - but the thoughts were enough to prevent me from sleeping in until 8am.

Luckily - the weather outside was perfect. So I got up, got ready, and took a nice stroll down to Gaylord's on Piedmont for some coffee before heading to work.

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