Sunday, July 31, 2005

Bank pain.

I hate standing in line at the bank. I especially hate standing in line with old people at the bank. I have this theory that older you get, the less aware you are of other people's "personal space."

You're all familiar with the concept of "personal space," right? That sort of invisible zone of intimacy that you allow only a select few to cross. Normally when I feel the heat of someone's breath on the back of my neck, I'll have hoped she (it better be a "she") had at least bought me a drink first.

Back to the bank... I needed to ask for a new card because the magnetic strip on mine wearing out. So I'm standing in line with no one behind me, and I can see myself in the TV monitor.

At my bank, when you get to the front of the line you end up facing a TV showing the feed of some security cam filming whoever's next to see a teller. I really don't see the purpose of this other than to give the tellers some form of entertainment as they watch customers either trying to figure out where the camera is OR pretend not to be looking at themselves. I fall into the latter category, stealing sideways glances at myself to make sure I haven't got a giant hot sauce stain on my shirt or something.

Anyway, in the monitor I noticed that someone was getting in line behind me. As he approached closer, I thought, "...he's not stopping. Oh crap. Old person." So there he was - a whole THREE INCHES behind me. I shook my head as I looked into the TV monitor to see the sight of two idiots doing their best "packed elevator" imitation in an empty line.


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