Friday, July 08, 2005

ER Adventure, Pt. 1: Painful baby steps.

Last week my physical condition had definitely gotten worse. I talked about it a little here. I took off from work Wednesday and Thursday because I could barely stand and walking was extremely painful on my knees and ankles. At first it was just my right knee and ankle, but my left knee and ankle started to ache, too — I assumed because I had been limping on one side for so long. I’d probably been in pain like this for about five weeks.

My doctor couldn’t find anything wrong with me beyond the joint pain, but there was something definitely odd about my condition. She had me only taking over-the-counter medication. Which did NOTHING for the pain .

The problem with staying home sick was the parking situation in my neighborhood. Since my car could only be in one spot for two hours at a time during business hours, I had to figure out what to do. I definitely didn’t want my car to get towed away, so I had to call a co-worker to come get my car and bring it to the employee parking lot at work.

So for two days I suffered and shuffled painfully around my apartment. It’s amazing how quickly my place got trashed – water bottles and granola bar wrappers were everywhere.

By the time Friday came around, my condition hadn’t gotten any better. I could barely bend my knees and definitely couldn’t walk comfortably. Walking was a great physical strain and traveling even ten feet would leave me winded and sweaty. I was pitiful. I couldn’t go another day like this, so I called my co-worker again and asked her if she’d be kind enough to take me to the emergency room.

The cruel joke of this situation is that I LIVE RIGHT NEXT TO A HOSPITAL. But since it’s Kaiser, they don’t take my insurance. I’m sure if I was dying I could walk into their emergency room, but since I was just in excruciating pain, I had to go to Alta Bates across town.

This looks like a good place to leave off -- I'll continue the rest of my ER adventure next time.

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